Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Yearsley Grove, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and welcome in to our school community those from different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs and faiths. We celebrate that we are all special but all different.
We aim to provide a caring and supportive environment where every child matters. All pupils and parents/carers are valued equally and each child is given the opportunity to achieve the very best they can in our disability friendly school environment.
A key element of our school ethos is that all adults and children treat each other with respect; encourage and support each other to do their best throughout the school day irrespective of their particular learning needs.
Yearsley Grove Primary School has a named SENDCo (Mrs Leanne Jackson), who passed the National Award for SEN Coordination and was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Vulnerable Learners and Inclusion in November 2015. They also have a named governor responsible for SEN. They, along with the Senior Leadership Team, ensure that the Yearsley Grove Special Educational Needs policy works within the guidelines and inclusion policies of the Code of Practice (2014), the Local Education Authority and other policies current within the school. The SENDCo is not a member of the Senior Leadership team. However, she joins when it is relevant.
Please follow this link for Local Authority Local Offer
York SEND Local Offer Website: yorksend.org